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Home » How We Rate

Raft Finance uses the following factors to rate and rank every service and company:

  • Industry served
  • Loan Terms
  • Funding Amounts
  • Rates
  • Credit Scores
  • Fees
  • Time to funding
  • Guarantees
  • Company Stability
  • Consumer Feedback
  • Conversion Rate (the number of people who actually buy after a visit to our website — we see that as a vote of confidence)

For rankings we also use the session information as explained below:

  • Session – every user session has some anoynomous information that is used to help decide what is the best offer for you. It can be your location, the traffic source you came from, the device you are using, and more.

Advertising fees — fees we get from companies also have an effect on rankings and ratings. This is why we are able to keep a free and high quality website. The fees are not the main criteria in which we rank.

The combination of all these factors determines rankings and ratings, similar to the way Google ranks ads on search. Ranking and ratings isn’t an exact science and we recommend all users to perform their own research to find the most suitable provider for them.

Full Disclosure

RaftFinance.com is a financial services review website. Our website compares leading companies, provides detailed reviews about lending programs, interest rates, financial grants and more. We do not list all providers out there, nor do we cover all aspects of the companies and programs we list. We do our best to keep the information accurate, but we can’t promise you that it is. Loan  companies and financial services firms often change their product as well as their prices, rates, guarantees, and more. The best way to get accurate information is to go to their respective official websites. We receive referral fees from the companies on the website. We do our best to provide accurate information. Fees impact rankings, rating and reviews.